Friday, January 14, 2011

RDW - Days 5 and 6

Well, yesterday turned out pretty spectacular.
I thought it was going to be complete shit, but instead of letting Thursday win- I kicked Thursday's ass.

I woke up late-ish, ate a delicious lunch, went to class.
I didn't get hungry until about 4pm, right in the middle of orchestra- which is an improvement.
It was also an improvement in my mood. I always knew the food you ate affected mood and, hell, even optimism- but I've never eaten this healthy on a consistent basis.
I never ate extremely poorly, but I am guilty of loving chinese food and gummy candy.
Soda is another weakness, but I think it's because I love the carbonation so much. I think this week I'll invest in some carbonated flavored, albeit sugar free, water.

So, I went home, thinking I'd make a lovely dinner.. But remembered my car battery was dead, so I had my roommate jump it (which took at least 30 minutes), then I had to inflate my tire and drive Big Sassy the Crown Vic around for a spell.
Once I got to my kitchen, it was 6:20pm and I had to leave for practice at 6:30.
So I hastily made a turkey/swiss/spinach sandwich and a cup of all-natural applesauce, stuffed it all in my face, tugged on my tights, and headed for practice, excited and bee-boppin' around.
It was like this:

When I got to the rink, all the lights were off on the floor, so we all started putting our gear on in the dark- which was actually kind of fun. :) My wife and I kept singing:

But I blame it on Elle Capone, because she was blasting it from her car in the parking lot.
...but then we just kept talking in rap/song lyrics. It was pretty incredible.

Practice was... amazing.
The girls who are playing the Arch Rival girls this month scrimmaged on one track, and the rest of us new kids/injured kids/kids who weren't rostered skated on the other track.
I was a little bummed at first, let's be honest, because I'm painfully aware of the fact that I am not rostered, but I still need to scrimmage and learn the game.

Anyway. We did some pack drills and hitting drills.. It was a lot of fun. However, during a snake drill, I encouraged my wife "Come on! Hit me! I'm right here, give it hell!" ....and then she did. But now my nickname is BrickHouse because when she hit me, she passed out.
I like to say I knocked my wife unconscious, but lol she knocked herself out.
After that drill, we did sprints, and then played Queen of the Rink- a favorite!
One of our hardest hitters, MissChetty Boop, has incredible JohnnyCrashes... They're lethal.
But I stayed up. I laughed a little and told her I was gonna have a bruise on my boobies.. She came back with "I will NEVER johnnycrash you again." Best compliment of the night!
Closely followed by Mary Lou Wretched, during snake drill, saying "Oh, thank God you're hitting on my right side." (she broke her left collarbone 3 months ago, and is still healing.)

Oh. And I got punched in the eye. So there's that. lol

All in all a GREAT practice.

I proceeded to go downtown and make a drunken fool of myself... but hey. I had fun. :) Ridiculous fun involving 6 shots of bourbon... I might've molested/groped a derby brother who works the hotdog cart... And my wife might've punched my ex in the anus. Again. (Although, I wasn't there for that moment.. She apparently stood around and chatted with those boys for a while after she punched him...) Hmm... I also slipped and fell in someone's spilled drink while twisting the night away- I remarked "It's hard to get up- I don't have toe stops!"
I did however, have about 3 drags of a cigarette and I felt like dying- it nearly knocked me on my ass, and now I'm all coughing and hacking today. It wasn't worth it- my body is over smoking. hooray!

Yep. Silly times. :)

Today.. well, today's real boring. I slept through my plasma appointment, ate a fried egg on an english muffin, watched Twilight and took a shower.
Look out, I'm on a productivity rampage! lol :)
The ex is coming over to get his shit. If I were meaner, I would've sold it... or set it on fire, since it's taken him SIX MONTHS to grow a pair and come get it.
Good thing is, I don't even remotely want to smoke.

Later the roommate and I are going to do the RDW video, and then get ready for the JM Buttermilk show- pretty excited to wear a dress and heels and my 50s prom dress.

Anyway. Time to clean a little, I suppose.. so that my entire day doesn't go to waste.


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