Sunday, May 9, 2010

Usually, I would be angry with myself for overdrafting my bank account and no being more careful with my funds.

I overdrafted buying a fake diamond ring (for the Jordan trip), and a box of ice cream sandwiches.

My life is the best.
And my friends are incredible.

And my boyfriend, even though he's a butt face sometimes, I love him SO Much. He's my best friend, and my other half, and my sunshine, and even when I end up sobbing on the couch because I burned the biscuits (for biscuits and gravy) so badly, they practically caught fire... he just ended up cuddling me and asking "You want me to bring you some jelly beans? Or some coke? Or... a pork chop? Or...... " and kept coming up with more random things to make me laugh.

My life is the best.

And if I had to go through all the things I've had to go through to learn what a great life I have... then so be it.

My life is swell,