Wednesday, January 12, 2011

RDW - Day 3

Well, I survived today.
Even though nicotine/caffeine withdraw made me want to kick puppies.

I almost caved and had a smoke- I went out to my car (Big Sassy) to go pick up Pearce to discuss the SRG student organization, and then head to practice... But, Sassy wouldn't start. Her battery was totally dead.
So, I asked my roommate to come jump start my car... Only to discover that her biofueled VW Bug wouldn't start, either, because it was so damn cold.
So, I made my wife come pick me up.. and Pearce.. (She's a good wifey)... But as we were driving, her back passenger side tire acquired a huge gash in it- so by the time we were at the rink, it was completely flat.

Thus started my evening.

We had late practice (8 instead of 7).
Which consisted of some endurance and hitting... then Q&Afor all the rookies newer than me who had questions about strategy and breaking up walls and Blocker Positions (1,2,3,4... earth, water.. blah blahblah.)
Then the boys had their practice, and while they were on their track, we had land practice.
I love land practice- I'm fairly certain the RDW video is much easier because of land practice.

I had a few really solid hits.
Once I get my timing and aim right, I'm aiming for being a really hard hitter.
I'm excited to improve- especially since it seems I can't get rostered for anything.
But that's my impatience as a rookie (and as myself.. let's face it- I've never EVER been patient).

Well, anyway, back to the challenge...
Breakfast, english muffin, egg, swiss cheese.
Lunch, a cup of grapes, since I didn't want to cut half an apple, one piece whole wheat bread, 3 oz turkey, mayo/mustard- to which I added some cheese and romaine lettuce
Dinner, 1.5 cups whole wheat pasta, 6 oz chicken, 1 cup broccoli, .5 cup pasta sauce. (I didn't eat all this because it was a GIANT meal. But I knew I needed some fuel before practice).

Snack... Let's be honest about this- after practice, Pearce and Hodges and I drove around for a minute, and ended up at TBell... so I got two fresco crunchy tacos, beans, no meat. I thought it was pretty acceptable...
Except that I came home and ate string cheese and almonds and a huge class of water...

What can I say? After practice, I'm RAVENOUS.
We usually head to Old Chicago and drink beer and eat giant plates of nachos.
....oh, Breckenridge Vanilla Porter, how I miss thee.

But seriously.
I miss beer a lot.
This hard liquor shit isn't cutting it.
I'm probably going to drink this weekend, and dance the night away.
I've been in college far too long to be able to tolerate classes without a little alcohol reward at the end of the week.
But hey, I figure if I have a beer or two, it's better than the 3-4 times a week that I was drinking.

Also... I'm kind of glad I'm not going out as much- it's really saving me some money.
Which is awesome...

because.. HELLO ROLLERCON 2011!!! Super de-duper excited to go and do and learn and see and meet all you lovely ladies!

On that note... I have class in the morning.
Aerobic Dance. Don't judge-- I needed a 1 credit hour class, and Pearce said "TAKE THIS CLASS WITH MEEEE".
I figure it can't hurt, what with this challenge and all. ;D


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