Monday, January 10, 2011

RDW - Day 2

Well, I sort of failed a little today, too.

Breakfast was great, actually... I ate it at like, noon. So it was more like lunch than breakfast.
A fried egg, swiss cheese and a whole wheat english muffin.
I added a few pieces of orange, though.. I just wanted some!

Then I had a snack- string cheese and some wasabi/soy sauce almonds. Which sounds like it's against the rules, but it's only about 5 or 10 more calories than regular almonds.

Dinner was chicken breast, broccoli and a baked sweet potato (which, consequently, made me feel like ass. I googled it.. because after all, sweet potatoes are supposed to be good for the tummy.. Someone suggested that I eat it without the skin. So, we'll see how that goes!)

My next snack was not on the list- rye chips with cheese and sausage- like tiny pizzas.
I guess I don't feel.. guilty, per se. But, still. I went off script. And I know that with my willpower, I'll have to follow the rules. Otherwise, I will eat an entire container of cottage cheese, because it's delicious and that's how I do.

In other news, I suppose... Classes start this week.
Tomorrow, I have 18th Century Counterpoint then Orchestra... then practice!
I love practice. :) It's such a rush to practice with the vets, and finally get some skate credit. (see also: being seen as more than a rookie is pretty stellar.)

I'm hoping that through all this workout challenge business, I'll get stronger and fitter and I'll get rostered.

I just want to play.
So often I think we forget what's important- that's skating and the team.
Not all the politics and not all the girly bullshit that happens with women...
Just skating, and the team.

And man, I just want to skate. I want to play the game.

In otherother news, I'm almost done with season 2 of True Blood.
Hodges has gotten me hopelessly addicted to this show.
It's wonderful.
I love the characters and the crazy story line- and of course, swooning over Godric, and Eric and Bill and Jason and all their P90X type bodies!

Anyway... tomorrow is another day.
Time to finish this season and hit the sack.
Must have my energy up for practice!

edit. in other news.. I WANT TO SMOKE. My dentist would be appalled at the number of jolly ranchers i am burning through. ALJALDASLDKJHASDWEF.

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