Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The difficult thing about having other guys in my life... is when I think about waking up next to them, I still want it to be N.
And that's how I know I'm not ready for that business.

An old friend, Mike, came down to visit. My 2 best ladies and I went to Patton Alley and had a beer with him and we hung out for a bit, and then went home.
Later he started sending me text messages.
Some of them are charming and endearing and it makes me go "aww mike" and then smile like a retard girl.
But in the next minute, he'll text me "We should make out."

Nope, sorry Mike. I'm over that freshmen-year-make-out-when-we're-drunk-bullshit.
Tessa was like "Well, fuck I'll go! I'll just make him take his jean shorts off!"
I told her she should.

Last night, a few of us went to MakeOut. Derek brought his friend Bylander. Who was smart, funny very very adorable AND wearing a Ramones shirt AND danced with us.
We actually talked at MakeOut. Like, real conversation.
The lean in, turn your ear to the other person kind of conversation.
Which is difficult at MakeOut.
But, we talked about his job and why his back hurt and derby... a lot about derby... and how he skates a lot and....
Yeah. :)
He was cute.
Unfortunately, he, too, just got out of an ugly relationship.

And hanging out with him would be great.
(He might come on Thursday!)
But I still don't know how I Feel about waking up next to him.

Sleeping next to N was natural. We just did it.
We cuddled or not... fell asleep... or watched a movie or talked until the wee hours...
It was just natural.

And learning how to do that with someone else isn't my cup of tea.
(I'd rather just drink tea. har har.)

Mike is still texting me.
I don't know if this is flirting or a booty call, but let's just admit it- I'm terrible at one and unwilling for the other.

I'm hungover and I have to go to work in 2 hours, so I better eat some carbs.
Or grease. I just got paid, I might leave early and go to Buckinghams....
God that sounds great.
It's a plan.

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