Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Texts Messages: Or, Why I Love My Friends

My friends are some of the most hilarious, random, amazing people on the planet.
Occasionally, they send me incredibly random text messages that make me literally laugh out... or snort... or chuckle... Or immediately read said message to the nearest person.

Here's a few examples of such :)

"What are the words to the fight song?"

"Dawwwwww. If she didn't have a coke addiction and fear of commitment you two would be so perfect together :) "

"Get drunk and act on your feelings. That's what I do. :) Be prepared to be slapped tho. Just cuz you're drunk doesn't mean everyone feels the same way about things"

"I really miss being a terrible grown up with you."

On my whiskey habits: "Whiskey never helps. It is a disaster drink. ....I always make angry choices when I drink whiskey..."

"I just woke up and had a minor heart attack because you weren't in my bed. Totes forgot I was at home. Thought you left me lol" ...this particular lovely friend allowed me to live in her apartment when I was homeless :) hahaha

"Remember: derby beats you because it loves you"

....more to come. :)

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