Wednesday, October 27, 2010

1. I'm counting the eggs before they're even laid.

2. I'm smashing all the eggs before I can sell them.

This doesn't make sense to anyone but me right now..
But basically.
This crush.. I'm assuming it's going to go somewhere, when it probably won't.
But I'm also destroying all my chances before they even come about... mentally destroying, of course.

I flirt and I have a good time.
That's what it was supposed to be.

But now he's going on a business trip for a few days and I'm going to be bummed when he's not at practice.
HE is bummed he won't be at practice... he went out for some Old Chicago with Carrie and I because he "won't be at practice for a while" and wanted to hang out.

Tonight I was supposed to go to the corn maze with Hodges, and he said he wanted to go, too... But Hodges bailed, so I did laundry and he packed for his trip.
However, he mentioned he might go to the haunted house this weekend.
I said I'd never been, he told me that I could go any day.
I told him my friends are weenies and won't go with me.
He said he'd go with me....

He called me awesome.
And I made him smile... which is a feat all on its own.

I am counting the damn chickens before they hatch.
But then I get scared about it all, because it could be really bad if anything DID happen, and then ended badly.

PLUS. I am mostly scared that I'm not ready for anything since I'm still a little hung up on Nate.

I am freaking out about this unnecessarily.

But dammit, he's cute.

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