Monday, February 21, 2011

My hair is green.
(I call it "Dirty Mermaid")

We had an event called the Sertoma Chili Cookoff- it's a fundraiser for an organization here in Springfield.
Our theme? 80s (focusing on SpinalTap/rocker/punk).
And I dyed my hair. Went all out. :)
And I love it.
This is the last semester I have the freedom to do wild and crazy things to my appearance, so I'm taking full advantage.

Here's a photo or two...

In other news, we reorganized our committees... guess which rookie is probably heading up the Bout Planning committee? This one!
I'm super excited for all the opportunities I'm having to help the league... And super excited to eventually get rostered/drafted.
I've been travelling with the team, going to bouts, helping in every way I can... Some of the girls joked that the next bout I go to as a rookie/spectator, they'll check me in as their Life Coach. lol :)

It's been an exciting derby weekend, and I'm so excited to skate tomorrow night.

1 comment:

  1. You know, this looks like so much fun, I'm thinking about toughening up and joining derby! Lol
