Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Derby Hurts.

I've taken 3 hard falls on my tush since I've started derby.
Yes. I remember them.

1. The first night I got moved up to the All-Stars track so we could make room for the brand new newbies. We were doing the push drill - the choo-choo train as we sometimes call it. I was the last person in line, which means I stay in skater's position and am pushed the whole time, until the last lap. Keep in mind, I was still fairly new and my sprinting/cross-over skills - and let's face it - my form = were not good. I ATE SHIT. I actually think I took one of my skate wheels up my ass now that I think about it... There's a really lovely photo on the FB, which I think I'll share with you now. (I'm a roller girl - I've jumped in a pool fully clothed, posted ridiculous youtube video responses to My Drunk Kitchen... I've fallen asleep with a trash can in my hands because I had the liquor room spins... I have no shame left.)

No, no.. Don't worry about calling me pretty - I know I am ;D
After I fell that first time, my tailbone has never been the same. I can't sit for too long, my squats/lunges are atrocious... Sandra Day O'Slaughter, the derby big sis, simply said "I bet you'll always lean forward from now on, huh?" I said, "I know... Nipples over knees..."
I am 80% certain I broke my tailbone during that fall.

2. Scrimmaging last week. I tripped on my own geedee feet, and fell on my ass... I tried to catch myself with my hand... and ended up with a sweet bruise on my palm.. and sitting out the rest of the scrimmage. This is a moment when Seven Deadly Shins would physically abuse me and say "ROOKIES OF THE YEAR DON'T NOTICE PAIN".

3. Tonight. We were doing re-assessments for Charter purposes.. to see if anyone needs to be moved up or down. On a drill where we sprint a quarter of the track, then come to a complete stop, then sprint... over and over.. I snow plowed into my second stop line.... and proceeded to not just fall on my left cheek, but also fall into the splits. This was a very FML moment. (The only time I mess up big is when the All Stars are watching!!) They cheered for me to get up, even though I was sure I was leaving a whole butt cheek on the floor...
I have NEVER fall on my tush while snow plowing. WTF.
Anyway. It feels like.. well, it feels like death. Sitting hurts. Standing hurts. Walking hurts...

Who knows. Maybe I didn't break my tail bone the first time.. maybe I did it this time. But it's not a bone hurt. It's a muscle hurt. Which is the most geedee bizarre feeling evar.
I honestly have no idea if this is a strain or a tear or a giant deep bruise...

So I, of course, googled that shit.. and common sense is all I found...
Oh, cool, Livestrong.. something a derby girl would never think of! RICE. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.. plus a heating pad.

Who wants to rest because their ass hurts? Not this girl! SIGH. But alas, I think I may have to take Thursday night off. My butt HURTS. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Morals of the story:
1. Tuesday sucked
2. Derby hurts.
3. I cannot be the only person in derby who has an ouchie ass.


  1. I sat with alternating ice/heat on my ass just last week! I didn't fall though. When I pulled a lowed back muscle in high school it was also one that extends into my butt a bit. Now it acts up every now and then. By that I mean sudden sharp stabbing pain followed by throbbing hurt! hah Limping around cause your butt hurts is just awkward. Definitely take at least a day to ice/rest/heat it!

  2. What's funny is I had to study that RICE method for my personal training certification, but do you think I'm following it after all of the problems I've had with my shoulder? Do as I say, not as I do...

    Hope you're feeling better quickly!

  3. I know exactly how you feel! Well, not exactly, because I'm not in derby, but I did my first full speedskate last night, in an attempt to prove to my partners and myself yes I am tough enough. I fell. Like, in turn one. But I got up, and today am the proud owner of my first rink rash. It hurts to sit in some positions. But its worth it, right? Right?
