Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Strong is the New Skinny

Suzie (start watching at 51 seconds) gave me an accidental compliment the other day in the gym.
She went to use the hip press after me and exclaimed "Shit, Melanie.. your legs are STRONG."
...I may or may not have giggled. :)

This is week two of working out 6 days a week.
I've upped my incline and speed on the treadmill, and upped the weights on the leg machines. (It'll be a while before I up the weight on the upper body machines... I'm such a girl when it comes to upper body!!)

I have noticed a significant difference in my speed and endurance on the track.
THIS I like. A lot.

I am working towards TryOuts/Drafts.
I will make a team.
I will kick ass.
I will keep improving in my skating ability.

And that's why working out is great. :)

I will say I'm drinking far more soda than I expected.. But it's still less than I was drinking.
So.. that's an improvement.

I dunno... Tonight when we did our 5 minute warm up, I reveled in the fact that I passed people more, and passed faster people.
It can only go up from here!

Although I'm being all rah-rah cheerleader tonight, I still get super frustrated.
I am still a rookie and I have yet to have that light bulb go off in my head so I understand the game and understand how to execute strategy on the track.
Tonight my team scrimmaged with the All Stars.
I love those ladies. They are all so classy and so lovely - but when I get on the track with them, I feel like it's my first time skating again.
Maybe it's my insecurities getting in the way... But every time I skate with them, I feel like I skate like slop.

The more I skate, the better I get, and the more I play/scrimmage, the better I'll get.

Patience has never been a virtue I possess well.
You can ask my mom.
Growing up, when I would get impatient/not want to wait for a response, she would say "Well. You always do what you want."
Meaning, regardless of the advice or suggestions I seek, I still do what I want to do.

Some would call that trait "obstinate".
Others might call it determination. ;)
I might just be one of the latter.. :D

So. I do what I want.
Apparently, that's been my motto since the beginning of time. (see also: the beginning of my life... lol)
And right now what I want is to be strong and fit and once I've gotten in better shape - perhaps train as a jammer.
Maybe I'll never jam in a game.
But having it in my arsenal - the agility, the quick feet, the sprinting abilities, the ability to get off the ground everytime some giant MoMo knocks me on my ass...
I want those abilities in my arsenal.
Someday I'd love to be able to jump the apex and get through a pack the way my ridiculous and amazing roommate does.

Until then... I'm excited to skate faster and harder each practice. :)

And for now, I will revel in the fact that I can go harder, better, faster, stronger.. And I will keep working out and getting stronger. :)

And speaking of strong.... let's for one second, talk about how amazing my teammates are.
They are so strong- seriously. Some of the strongest ladies I know, both on and off the track...
They are so positive and perfect.
I love skating with them, heckling them, being heckled...
They are just extremely quality ladies.
I couldn't ask for a better group to learn and grow with.
I'm so tremendously proud to be a Battle Broad this season.


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